Frederickson Lower Back Pain


Pain in the back and neck are common problems that many people are afflicted with at least once in their lifetime. Proper aid and treatment can alleviate the problem while improper or incomplete treatment can make them stay for a long time.

We at Puget Sound Natural Medicine offer upper and lower back pain treatment to Frederickson, WA residents. Whatever the reason for lower back pain, we assure that our chiropractic technique will provide relief as it focuses on the following:

  • Aligning the spine
  • Improving the spinal function
  • Restoring movement to spinal joints

The chiropractic technique not only brings lower back pain relief, but also reduces inflammation and pain, and helps with muscle spasms, tension, and nerve irritation.

Frederickson Back Pain


There can be several upper and lower back pain causes. The identification of the upper and lower back pain is essential to choose the right path of treatment. You must choose your medical practitioner carefully as a lot depends on their experience and expertise to relieve you of pain.

For the alleviation of all lower and upper back pain, Frederickson residents can rely on us. Here are the likely conditions that cause pain in the back:

  • Ligament or muscle strain
  • Bulging or ruptured disks
  • Osteoporosis
  • Skeletal irregularities

Along with using the chiropractic technique to cure lower and upper back pain, Dr. Gilbertson also suggests back pain exercises to Frederickson patients that are helpful in bringing relief from the pain. Patients are advised to follow the exercise routines as suggested by our doctor. Not doing the exercises or overdoing them can result in aggravated pain which would take longer to treat.

Frederickson Upper Back Pain


While pain in the lower back is usually due to injuries, disk rupturing, or arthritis, upper back pain is mainly caused by poor sitting posture and muscle overuse. Those sitting for long hours on the computer must ensure that they use the computers at the ideal height such that their back remains straight and not stooping.

To get upper back pain relief, Frederickson patients can rely on us. We will not only look at the possible upper back pain causes, but also provide relief by providing appropriate treatment including stretches and exercises. Count on us for relieving your pain as we:

  • Are thoroughly experienced
  • Use safe methods of treatment
  • Offer recovery without any side effects

Schedule an appointment at our clinic at your convenience and begin the treatment for alleviation of back pain.

Call Puget Sound Natural Medicine at (253) 579-3958 for back pain relief in Frederickson.